Katie Bartlett - Equine Clicker Training [Episode 25]
Katherine Bartlett MMCP, IDTC Bio
A life-long horse person, Katie was introduced to training with positive reinforcement in 1999 and has studied extensively with Alexandra Kurland and Kay Laurence. Her website, www.equineclickertraining.com is one of the oldest sites that shares information about teaching horses using positive reinforcement. The site contains descriptions of the work she has done with her own horses as well as material from clinics and conferences she has attended.
Her primary interest is in using positive reinforcement, bodywork, and gymnastic exercises to improve the way horses move and feel about their training. She offers in-person and virtual coaching, as well as hands on bodywork sessions. She is also the author of two books, Teaching Horses with Positive Reinforcement and What Can I Teach My Horse?
MMCP – Masterson Method Certified Practitioner – An integrated bodywork approach developed by Jim Masterson
IDTC – Intelligent Dog Training – This was Kay Laurence’s certification program prior to TAKL. It’s a dog course but I took it with a horse. I was a coach for the first year she ran TAKL, but had to stop due to lack of time
I was also a coach for Alexandra Kurland’s The Click That Teaches Online Course for a number of years.