Tony Harvey; Guide dogs UK & TAG teach [Episode 152]

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    Tony Harvey Bio

    Tony is currently the National Dog Training Lead for Guide dogs in the UK. He started working in the field of visual impairment 18 years ago for a charity called SeeAbility, this included working with people with visual impairment and additional needs such as autism and Asperger’s.

    Since 2008 he has worked with Guide Dogs organisations both in the UK and New Zealand and also worked with epilepsy assist dogs trust NZ.

    In 2017 he began using TAGteach with the guide dog owners he was coaching and since then has progressed through the levels and is now a faculty member of TAGteach international.

    Tony has always had an animal focus and through his career he has developed a passion for working with people and wanting to apply the principles we apply to our animal learners to his human learners. In his spare time, he can be found in the hills of Scotland with his dog or potentially training Geese and Goats at home.

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