Terrie Hayward; PAW, Positive Animal Wellness [Episode 141]

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    Terrie Hayward Bio

    Terrie Hayward has an M.Ed. and is a Faculty Member of the Karen Pryor Academy (KPA), a KPA Certified Training Partner (CTP), and a Certified Professional Dog Trainer through the Council of Professional Dog Trainers. Additionally, she is also certified in Canine Separation Anxiety Trainer (CSAT) and is a Certified Dog Behavior Consultant with the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants (IAABC). She is a member of the Pet Professional Guild, and has written articles on training for BARKS magazine, Pet Business, and Grooming Business magazine and is the author of three books: A Deaf Dog Joins the Family,” co-author, “Grooming Without Stress: Safer, Quicker, Happier,” and “Your 10 Minute a Day Dog.” Terrie works with families and their animal companions, presents workshops, travels, and consults focusing on positive reinforcement interactions and modifying behavior through applications in behavior analysis.

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