Lori Stevens; The importance of observation… [Episode 111]

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    Lori Stevens Bio

    Lori Stevens is a CPDT-KA (Certified professional dog trainer), CPBC (Certified Parrot Behaviour consultant, IAABC), CCFT (Certified Canine Fitness trainer), SAMP (Certified Small Animal Massage Practitioner) & senior Tellington TTouch® Training practitioner. She continually studies the interactions among animal behavior, movement, learning, fitness, and health. She uses intimidation-free, scientific, and innovative methods, in an educational environment, to improve the behavior, performance, health, and fitness of animals. Lori gives workshops, presents at conferences (including at Clicker Expo USA in 2019), teaches online courses, and gives webinars.

    Lori gets joy from teaching others how to help their dogs thrive – whether for competition or daily life. Periodically, Lori also coaches for courses taught by Ken Ramirez at “The Ranch”.

    She enjoys cooking, paddling (SUP), and hiking, as well as training and playing with Cassie, her Australian Shepherd, is the creator of the Balance Harness® and lives in Seattle, WA.


    Lori’s dog Cassie doing 4″ cavalettis at almost 14 years-old. Lori is at one end and Cassie is going to a mat, click happens, then she returns to Lori for R+

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