Chad Crittle – Crittle’s Christmas Critter Chats [Episode 108]

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    Chad Crittle Bio

    Chad started his professional life with animals as a casual keeper at Taronga zoo in Sydney Australia in 2009. From here Chads’ love of telling the story of wildlife and animal training using positive reinforcement lead him to work on animal shows in zoos in North Queensland, NSW, USA and South Australia. Chads time at Adelaide zoo began in 2015 as a nature theatre presenter, and as free flight coordinator in the team that worked on growing the flying colours free flight show. Since early 2019 Chad has been the Senior keeper of Birds and Herpetofauna, working with one of the largest and most diverse bird collections in the country. In this role Chad is loving being involved in 3 breed for release to the wild programs and conservation programs for a multitude of species. Chad continues to fly the flag of positive reinforcement training to build husbandry behaviours within zoo’s and loves to spread the message to the wider community.

    Gratitude to past ATA podcast Nicholas Bishop for his ripples in recommending this episode and part in creating the alliteration “Crittle’s critter chats”

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