[Episode 9]: Julia Lomb - Neighborhound Dog Training

Julia Lomb – Bio

Julia graduated from vet school in Munich, Germany, in 2008. She worked for several years as a dairy vet, helping cows to calve, and sick calves to pull through. 

In 2013, she moved to Canada and joined (the University of British Columbia) UBC’s animal welfare program. 

In her PhD research she aimed to better understand sickness and pain behavior in dairy cows so that sick cows can be recognized (and helped) as early as possible. 

In 2017, while still at grad school, Julia joined Dr. Susan Friedman’s Living and Learning with Animals course which sparked her interest in applied behavior analysis and positive reinforcement training-adding a new layer to her thinking about behavior and changing her career interest. 

Since then Julia has conducted research on the use of positive reinforcement training in dairy cows (and found her passion in bringing more R+ to the dairy industry), graduated from KPA (as CTP) and started her own dog training & behavior business in Vancouver, BC.    

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