Nancy Tucker – The good enough dog [Episode 95]

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    Nancy Tucker Bio

    Nancy is a certified trainer with the CCPDT, and a fully certified behavior consultant with the IAABC. She teaches seminars, webinars, and workshops on dog training, dog behavior, and the business end of training throughout Canada, the US, and Europe.  She has presented at conferences for the Pet Professional Guild, the IAABC, the Dog Event in France, and the WOOF! conference in the UK.

    She is also an instructor for Fenzi Dog Sports Academy, where she teaches popular courses focusing on various topics including how to treat separation anxiety, how to use desensitisation and counter-conditioning to treat fearful behaviours, and how to tackle other common behaviour issues like over-zealous greetings.

    Nancy has written numerous articles on dog behaviour and is a regular contributor to the Whole Dog Journal.

    She shares her home in Quebec, Canada with her husband Tom and their Border Terrier, Bennigan.

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