[Episode 156] - Emelie Johnson Vegh; Are you feeling Overwhelmed?

Emelie Johnson Vegh – Bio

Emelie Johnson Vegh works in the collaboration Carpe Momentum together with Eva Bertilsson. Their goal is to help people acquire knowledge and skills in science-based, modern, humane, and empowering teaching strategies for the benefit of learners of all species. Emelie has experience from a variety of venues and has competed in various dog sports with several dogs of various breeds.

Emelie’s goal is to make learning accessible, interesting, and fun! Set up for success, break the skill down and make sure to ensure R +, whether it has to do with teaching your dog to heel, yourself to get into a running regime or helping your child learn to structure their homework. Emelie studied to be a teacher in Swedish and English at Lund University. She writes fiction for adults and has published a series of children’s books with some focus on positive reinforcement training. She also works as a translator and editor, reveling in finding ways to tell stories and make information available to a great many people. Together with Eva, she published the book Agility Right From the Start (Sunshine Books, 2010). Emelie has been part of the Clicker Expo faculty for many years, teaching together with Eva. “E&E” also introduced TAGteach to Scandinavia in 2005 and were the first European TAGteach faculty.

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